Card Statistics
- Description: Belt up
- Team: Cleveland Indians
- Population (# Sold): 4
- First Date Sold: 2024-06-26
- Latest Date Sold: 2025-03-12
- Card Status: Active
- # Sold in past year: 4
- Highest Auction: $ 24.00
- Average Auction Result: $ 15.50
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Cleveland Indians in the This Great Game 1960s series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 37, Steve Hargan
- # 38, "Sudden" Sam McDowell
- # 64, Max Alvis
- # 65, Vern Fuller
- # 66, Tony Horton
- # 67, Bob Chance
- # 68, Luis Tiant
- # 156, Mudcat Grant
- # 157, Ken Harrelson
- # 158, Luis Tiant
- # 159, Johnny Romano
- # 160, Rocky Colavito
- # 161, Larry Brown
- # 174, Sonny Siebert
- # 175, Dick Radatz
- # 176, Chico Salmon
- # 225, Tito Francona
- # 226, Jim Perry
- # 248, Ray Fosse