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Jimmy Ryan


Cap Anson says: "James T. Ryan was at that time and is now a good ball player. His home was in Clinton, Mass., and he came to us from the Holy Cross College, in which team he had been playing. He was a mere boy when he first signed with Chicago but promised well, and though for a time he did not come up to the expectations that I had formed regarding him, I kept him on the team. His greatest fault was that he would not run out on a base hit, but on the contrary would walk to his base. This I would not stand, and so I fined him repeatedly, but these fines did little good..."


Birth Date: February 11, 1863
Birth Location: Clinton, MA
Death Date: October 29, 1923
Death Location: Chicago IL, USA
Weight: 162 lb
Height: 5 ft 9 in
Bats: R
Throws: L
Debut Date: October 8, 1885
Final Game Date: September 24, 1903
Years Played: 18
Games Played: 2,014
At Bats: 8,172
Runs: 1,643
Hits: 2,513
Doubles: 451
Triples: 157
Home Runs: 118
RBIs: 1,093
Stolen Bases: 419
Base on Balls: 804
Batting Average: 0.308
Position: Center Fielder

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