Player Information Page

Tito Francona


Birth Date: November 4, 1933
Birth Location: Aliquippa, PA
Death Date: February 13, 2018
Death Location: New Brighton PA, USA
Weight: 190 lb
Height: 5 ft 11 in
Bats: L
Throws: L
Debut Date: April 17, 1956
Final Game Date: September 29, 1970
Years Played: 19
Games Played: 1,719
At Bats: 5,121
Runs: 650
Hits: 1,395
Doubles: 224
Triples: 34
Home Runs: 125
RBIs: 656
Stolen Bases: 46
Base on Balls: 544
Batting Average: 0.272
Position: Left Fielder

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