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George Burns


A solid hitter, George batted .358 in 1926 with 64 two-baggers and 216 hits. This was enough to garner the American League MVP award. He had a lifetime batting average of .307 over 16 seasons playing with Detroit, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Boston and New York (AL).

Animated Player


Birth Date: January 31, 1893
Birth Location: Niles, OH
Death Date: January 7, 1978
Death Location: Kirkland WA, USA
Weight: 180 lb
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Bats: R
Throws: R
Debut Date: April 14, 1914
Final Game Date: September 29, 1929
Years Played: 19
Games Played: 1,866
At Bats: 6,573
Runs: 901
Hits: 2,018
Doubles: 444
Triples: 72
Home Runs: 72
RBIs: 951
Stolen Bases: 154
Base on Balls: 363
Batting Average: 0.307
Position: First Baseman

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