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Antonelli, Johnny


From the "This Great Game" card back: In the 1950s, when America was turning onto the television and Eisenhower was in the White House, the Giants were still in New York. The G-Men had not one, but two Italian aces: Sal Maglie and Johnny Antonelli, the pride of Rochester, New York. Antonelli was a hard-throwing fastballer who signed for $55,000 when he was only 18. He watched and learned for a few years, missed two years while serving in the Korean War, and roared back to the States to average 16 wins per year from 1953 to 1959. In the 1954 Series he pitched a complete game win and saved another game as the Giants upset the Indians.


Birth Date: April 12, 1930
Birth Location: Rochester, NY
Death Date: February 28, 2020
Death Location: Rochester NY, USA
Weight: 185 lb
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Bats: L
Throws: L
Debut Date: July 4, 1948
Final Game Date: September 4, 1961
Years Played: 13
Games Played: 403
At Bats: 679
Runs: 56
Hits: 121
Doubles: 12
Triples: 3
Home Runs: 15
RBIs: 59
Stolen Bases: 1
Base on Balls: 26
Batting Average: 0.178
Position: Pitcher

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