Card Statistics
- Description: full figure, tossing, right leg up
- Team: Cleveland Indians
- Population (# Sold): 20
- First Date Sold: 2019-09-24
- Latest Date Sold: 2025-02-05
- Card Status: Active
- # Sold in past year: 4
- Highest Auction: $ 127.50
- Average Auction Result: $ 27.47
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Cleveland Indians in the T206-Helmar series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 339, Artie Wilson
- # 343, Heinie Berger
- # 345, Larry "Nap" LAJOIE (HOF)
- # 346, Larry "Nap" LAJOIE (HOF)
- # 347, Ray "Slim" Caldwell
- # 348, Addie JOSS (HOF)
- # 369, Fred (Larry Kopf) Brady
- # 385, E. J. Smith
- # 386, George Burns
- # 387, Jim Bagby
- # 388, Jim Bagby
- # 389, Steve O'Neill
- # 390, Luke Sewell
- # 391, Jack Graney
- # 467, LeRoy "Satchel" PAIGE (HOF)
- # 487, Tris SPEAKER (HOF)
- # 503, Larry DOBY
- # 520, Stan COVELESKI (HOF)
- # 582, Ted Easterly