Card Statistics
- Description: mitt, ball at chest, red backing
- Team: Philadelphia Phillies
- Population (# Sold): 20
- First Date Sold: 2019-01-01
- Latest Date Sold: 2024-12-25
- Card Status: Active
- # Sold in past year: 3
- Highest Auction: $ 36.00
- Average Auction Result: $ 15.58
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Philadelphia Phillies in the T206-Helmar series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 12, John "Doc" or "Silent John" Titus
- # 15, Kid NICHOLS (HOF)
- # 17, Grover Cleveland ALEXANDER (HOF)
- # 27, Grover Cleveland ALEXANDER (HOF)
- # 151, Sherry Magee
- # 167, Tully Sparks
- # 168, Roy Thomas
- # 170, Chick Fraser
- # 173, Harry Coveleski
- # 174, Kitty Bransfield
- # 176, Mickey Doolan
- # 178, Red Dooin
- # 179, Eddie Grant
- # 181, Red Dooin
- # 184, Eddie Grant
- # 186, Red Dooin
- # 189, Mickey Doolan
- # 192, John "Doc" or "Silent John" Titus
- # 287, Pat Moran
- # 289, Pat Moran
- # 290, Tom Seaton
- # 293, Tom Seaton
- # 332, Cy Williams
- # 403, Hughie JENNINGS (HOF)
- # 411, Ed DELAHANTY (HOF)
- # 545, Art Fletcher