Card Statistics
- Description: With cap
- Team: Pittsburgh Pirates
- Population (# Sold): 25
- First Date Sold: 2014-10-07
- Latest Date Sold: 2023-12-13
- Card Status: Active
- # Sold in past year: N/A
- Highest Auction: $ 49.50
- Average Auction Result: $ 16.49
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Pittsburgh Pirates in the T206-Helmar series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 3, Fred CLARKE (HOF)
- # 6, Honus WAGNER (HOF)
- # 26, Fred CLARKE (HOF)
- # 56, Honus WAGNER (HOF)
- # 73, Ginger Beaumont
- # 76, Max CAREY
- # 77, Max CAREY
- # 111, Kitty Bransfield
- # 165, Kitty Bransfield
- # 194, Ed Abbaticchio
- # 195, Howie Camnitz
- # 196, Howie Camnitz
- # 198, Fred CLARKE (HOF)
- # 199, Fred CLARKE (HOF)
- # 204, George Gibson
- # 205, George Gibson
- # 206, George Gibson
- # 212, Homer Hillebrand
- # 217, Tommy Leach
- # 219, Sam Leever
- # 220, Nick Maddox
- # 229, Hunky Shaw
- # 242, Danny Moeller
- # 254, Honus WAGNER (HOF)
- # 266, Honus WAGNER (HOF)
- # 267, Otto Krueger
- # 268, Honus WAGNER (HOF)
- # 540, Wilber Cooper
- # 585, Deacon Phillippe