Card Statistics
- Description: Catching ball
- Team: Brooklyn Tip-Tops
- Population (# Sold): 26
- First Date Sold: 2014-06-03
- Latest Date Sold: 2024-11-06
- Card Status: Active
- # Sold in past year: 1
- Highest Auction: $ 100.00
- Average Auction Result: $ 20.01
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Brooklyn Tip-Tops in the T206-Helmar series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 32, Mordecai BROWN (HOF)
- # 106, George "Andy" Anderson
- # 107, Harry Bay
- # 109, Jim Bluejacket
- # 110, Hugh Bradley
- # 115, Steve Evans
- # 116, Cy Falkenberg
- # 118, Bennie Kauff
- # 120, Lee Magee
- # 138, John Dobbs
- # 142, Al Halt
- # 143, Solly Hofman
- # 145, Frank Kane
- # 147, Ed Lafitte
- # 150, Lee Magee
- # 157, Tom Seaton
- # 209, Art Griggs
- # 214, Ed Konetchy
- # 230, Harry Smith
- # 265, Danny Murphy