Card Statistics
- Description: Big smile, purple distance
- Team: Chicago White Sox
- Population (# Sold): 13
- First Date Sold: 2018-02-27
- Latest Date Sold: 2025-01-01
- Card Status: Active
- # Sold in past year: 2
- Highest Auction: $ 64.95
- Average Auction Result: $ 22.15
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Chicago White Sox in the R319-Helmar series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 39, Dickie Kerr
- # 42, "Shoeless" Joe Jackson
- # 71, Cap ANSON
- # 88, Robert "Fats" Fothergill
- # 108, Moe Berg
- # 113, "Shoeless" Joe Jackson
- # 123, "Shoeless" Joe Jackson
- # 185, Ted LYONS (HOF)
- # 186, Red FABER (HOF)
- # 196, Harry HOOPER (HOF)
- # 203, Ray SCHALK (HOF)
- # 205, "Shoeless" Joe Jackson
- # 314, Eddie Cicotte
- # 317, Swede Risberg
- # 337, Ed WALSH (HOF)
- # 374, Nellie FOX (HOF)
- # 397, Luke APPLING
- # 409, Smead Jolley
- # 416, Buck Weaver
- # 419, Ed Walsh, Jr.; Ed WALSH (HOF); (Bio for All Players On Card)
- # 421, Swede Risberg
- # 438, Eddie COLLINS; Dickie Kerr; (Bio for All Players On Card)
- # 446, Eddie COLLINS
- # 451, Red FABER (HOF)
- # 463, Ray SCHALK (HOF)
- # 490, Glenn Wright