Card Statistics
- Description: Portrait
- Team: New York Yankees
- Population (# Sold): 26
- First Date Sold: 2012-01-24
- Latest Date Sold: 2025-03-05
- Card Status: Retired
- # Sold in past year: 3
- Highest Auction: $ 146.50
- Average Auction Result: $ 36.04
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the New York Yankees in the R319-Helmar series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 1, Bennie Bengough
- # 33, Lou GEHRIG
- # 36, Babe RUTH (HOF)
- # 38, Bill DICKEY
- # 45, Lou GEHRIG
- # 58, Mickey MANTLE (HOF)
- # 61, Roger Maris
- # 109, Lou GEHRIG
- # 117, Mickey MANTLE (HOF)
- # 129, Mickey MANTLE (HOF)
- # 139, Bobby Brown
- # 142, Mickey MANTLE (HOF); Roger Maris; (Bio for All Players On Card)
- # 164, Joe DiMAGGIO
- # 167, Tony LAZZERI (HOF)
- # 169, Mickey MANTLE (HOF); Yogi BERRA (HOF); (Bio for All Players On Card)
- # 175, Babe RUTH (HOF)
- # 183, Earle COMBS
- # 192, Leo DUROCHER
- # 193, Yogi BERRA (HOF)
- # 233, Tom Zachary
- # 247, Bob Meusel
- # 248, Wally Pipp
- # 251, Roger Peckinpaugh
- # 296, Frank Crosetti
- # 299, Miller HUGGINS (HOF)
- # 327, Bill DICKEY
- # 338, Lou GEHRIG
- # 362, Lefty GOMEZ (HOF)
- # 399, Babe Dahlgren
- # 404, Tony Cuccinello
- # 405, Jacob Ruppert
- # 411, Mark Koenig
- # 418, Joe McCARTHY
- # 422, Tony LAZZERI (HOF)
- # 439, Babe RUTH (HOF); Lou GEHRIG; (Bio for All Players On Card)
- # 440, Babe RUTH (HOF); Johnny Sylvester; (Bio for All Players On Card)
- # 442, Frank BAKER (HOF)
- # 445, Babe RUTH (HOF)
- # 502, Charlie Keller
- # 506, Stan COVELESKI (HOF)
- # 510, Joe Styborski
- # 511, Bennie Bengough