Card Statistics
- Description: Swinging
- Team: Pittsburgh Pirates
- Population (# Sold): 19
- First Date Sold: 2011-11-22
- Latest Date Sold: 2018-01-16
- Card Status: Retired
- # Sold in past year: N/A
- Highest Auction: $ 45.44
- Average Auction Result: $ 31.76
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Pittsburgh Pirates in the R319-Helmar series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 14, Fred CLARKE (HOF)
- # 47, Roberto CLEMENTE
- # 53, Burleigh GRIMES (HOF)
- # 64, Paul WANER (HOF)
- # 65, Roberto CLEMENTE
- # 68, Paul WANER (HOF); Lloyd WANER (HOF); (Bio for All Players On Card)
- # 73, Pie TRAYNOR (HOF)
- # 150, Roberto CLEMENTE
- # 158, Honus WAGNER (HOF)
- # 179, Honus WAGNER (HOF)
- # 204, Honus WAGNER (HOF)
- # 240, Honus WAGNER (HOF); Pie TRAYNOR (HOF); (Bio for All Players On Card)
- # 279, Arky VAUGHAN (HOF)
- # 297, Kiki CUYLER (HOF)
- # 313, Babe Adams
- # 328, Ted Kluszewski
- # 466, Gus Suhr
- # 467, Honus WAGNER (HOF)
- # 477, Pie TRAYNOR (HOF)