Card Statistics
- Description: Catching pop up pose
- Team: Chicago White Stockings
- Population (# Sold): 22
- First Date Sold: 2017-01-03
- Latest Date Sold: 2025-03-19
- Card Status: Active
- # Sold in past year: 4
- Highest Auction: $ 63.00
- Average Auction Result: $ 23.37
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Chicago White Stockings in the Helmar Polar Night series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 2, Cap ANSON
- # 7, Tom Burns
- # 11, Mark Baldwin
- # 12, John CLARKSON
- # 13, Ned Williamson
- # 18, John CLARKSON
- # 25, John CLARKSON
- # 31, Hugh DUFFY
- # 32, Silver Flint
- # 41, Jimmy Ryan
- # 42, Marty Sullivan
- # 44, Billy Sunday
- # 48, Ned Williamson; Willie Hahn; (Bio for All Players On Card)
- # 54, George Van Haltren
- # 73, Tom Daly
- # 75, Dell Darling
- # 86, Jimmy Ryan
- # 90, Ned Williamson
- # 166, Mark Baldwin
- # 182, Tom Burns
- # 201, Silver Flint
- # 205, Emil Geiss
- # 229, Marty Sullivan
- # 231, John Tener