Card Statistics
- Description: "Tuxedo" logo
- Team: New York Giants
- Population (# Sold): 19
- First Date Sold: 2017-04-04
- Latest Date Sold: 2024-10-02
- Card Status: Retired
- # Sold in past year: 2
- Highest Auction: $ 43.50
- Average Auction Result: $ 18.35
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the New York Giants in the Helmar Polar Night series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 27, Mike Dorgan
- # 28, Tim KEEFE (HOF)
- # 34, Mickey WELCH (HOF)
- # 50, "Orator" Jim O'ROURKE
- # 56, Mike Tiernan
- # 68, Buck EWING (HOF)
- # 70, Cannonball Crane
- # 80, John Montgomery WARD (HOF)
- # 92, Christy MATHEWSON (HOF)
- # 109, Ross YOUNGS (HOF)
- # 114, Carl HUBBELL
- # 120, Roger BRESNAHAN (HOF)
- # 127, Carl Mays
- # 158, Red Ames
- # 190, Pat Deasley
- # 191, Pat Deasley
- # 196, Buck EWING (HOF)
- # 197, Buck EWING (HOF)
- # 198, Buck EWING (HOF); Mascot; (Bio for All Players On Card)
- # 206, Bill George
- # 214, Tim KEEFE (HOF)
- # 218, Christy MATHEWSON (HOF)
- # 227, Casey STENGEL (HOF)