Card Statistics
- Description: Dexterity hand puzzle. Throwing figure, solid blue uniform.
- Team: Chicago White Sox
- Population (# Sold): 9
- First Date Sold: 2021-12-07
- Latest Date Sold: 2024-10-17
- Card Status: Active
- # Sold in past year: 1
- Highest Auction: $ 46.00
- Average Auction Result: $ 16.78
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Chicago White Sox in the Our Guy series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 148, Jake Atz
- # 149, George DAVIS (HOF)
- # 150, Jiggs Donahue
- # 151, Patsy Dougherty
- # 152, Patsy Dougherty
- # 153, Ed Hahn
- # 154, Chick Gandil
- # 155, Lou Fiene
- # 156, Lou Fiene
- # 157, Hugh DUFFY
- # 158, Fielder Jones
- # 159, Fielder Jones
- # 160, Frank Isbell
- # 161, Frank Owen
- # 162, Freddy Parent
- # 163, Jim Scott
- # 164, Billy Purtell
- # 165, Fred Payne
- # 166, Lee Tannehill
- # 167, Lee Tannehill
- # 168, Ed WALSH (HOF)
- # 169, Doc White
- # 170, Doc White
- # 181, Lee Tannehill
- # 197, Chick Gandil