Card Statistics
- Description:
- Team: Boston Red Sox
- Population (# Sold): N/A
- First Date Sold: N/A
- Latest Date Sold: N/A
- Card Status: Retired
- # Sold in past year: N/A
- Highest Auction: N/A
- Average Auction Result: N/A
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Boston Red Sox in the Helmar Stamps series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 195, Babe RUTH (HOF)
- # 215, Smokey Joe Wood
- # 228, Tris SPEAKER (HOF)
- # 290, Bill Carrigan
- # 313, Lefty GROVE
- # 359, Tris SPEAKER (HOF)
- # 366, Vern Stephens
- # 368, Ted WILLIAMS (HOF)
- # 378, Ted WILLIAMS (HOF)
- # 380, Moe Berg
- # 390, Eddie PLANK (HOF)
- # 391, Smokey Joe Wood
- # 395, Jimmie FOXX
- # 398, Moe Berg
- # 399, Lefty GROVE
- # 409, Moe Berg
- # 472, Lefty GROVE
- # 500, Bucky Walters
- # 544, Harry HOOPER (HOF)
- # 545, Eddie Cicotte
- # 547, Carl Mays
- # 548, Smokey Joe Wood
- # 549, Tris SPEAKER (HOF)
- # 560, Carl Mays
- # 561, Harry HOOPER (HOF)