Card Statistics
- Description: Helmar sign behind
- Team: Detroit Tigers
- Population (# Sold): 19
- First Date Sold: 2019-09-17
- Latest Date Sold: 2024-11-11
- Card Status: Active
- # Sold in past year: 3
- Highest Auction: $ 67.00
- Average Auction Result: $ 24.17
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Detroit Tigers in the Helmar Oasis series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 88, Sam CRAWFORD (HOF)
- # 89, Ty COBB (HOF)
- # 90, Donie Bush
- # 94, Ed Willett
- # 95, George Suggs
- # 96, Kid Speer
- # 97, Matty Mcintyre
- # 98, Charley O'Leary
- # 99, George Mullin
- # 100, Oscar Stanage
- # 101, Claude Rossman
- # 102, Charley "Boss" Schmidt
- # 103, Elijah Jones
- # 104, Ed Summers
- # 105, Ralph Works
- # 106, Del Gainer
- # 107, Davy Jones
- # 108, Tom Jones
- # 109, Hughie JENNINGS (HOF)
- # 110, Ed Killian
- # 111, George Moriarty
- # 112, Bill Donovan
- # 113, Jim Delahanty
- # 323, Ossie Vitt
- # 328, Al KALINE (HOF)
- # 333, Hank GREENBERG (HOF)
- # 335, Charlie GEHRINGER
- # 342, Ty COBB (HOF)
- # 418, Harry HEILMANN (HOF)