Card Statistics
- Description: "Rutgers" underneath image
- Team: Football
- Population (# Sold): 16
- First Date Sold: 2020-02-04
- Latest Date Sold: 2024-03-06
- Card Status: Active
- # Sold in past year: N/A
- Highest Auction: $ 95.00
- Average Auction Result: $ 31.98
Popularity Rankings
Visit these teammates on the Football in the All Our Heroes series
Click the Card # link to go to Card Info, Click the Player Name link to go the the Player Biography
- # 18, Fritz Pollard
- # 19, Sammy Baugh
- # 39, Paddy DRISCOLL
- # 40, Willie Heston
- # 41, Jack Manders
- # 42, Vince Banonis
- # 43, Benny Oosterbaan
- # 44, Joe Stydahar
- # 45, Gil Dobie
- # 46, Dutch CLARK
- # 47, Don Hutson
- # 48, Vince LOMBARDI (HOF)
- # 49, Bronko NAGURSKI (HOF)
- # 50, Gerald Ford
- # 51, Tom Harmon
- # 52, Bill Willis
- # 53, Walter Eckersall
- # 54, Curly LAMBEAU (HOF)
- # 55, Knute ROCKNE (HOF)
- # 56, Beattie Feathers
- # 57, Pete Henry
- # 58, Sid LUCKMAN (HOF)
- # 59, Bobby LAYNE (HOF)
- # 60, Red GRANGE (HOF)
- # 61, Doak WALKER (HOF)
- # 62, Doak WALKER (HOF)
- # 63, Jim Thorpe
- # 64, George Gipp
- # 65, Chick Harley
- # 66, Jack Trice
- # 67, Bill Hewitt
- # 68, Lou GEHRIG
- # 69, Benny FRIEDMAN (HOF)
- # 100, John Wayne
- # 104, Red GRANGE (HOF)
- # 111, Red GRANGE (HOF)
- # 112, Knute ROCKNE (HOF)
- # 117, Bronko NAGURSKI (HOF)
- # 118, Paul Robson
- # 119, Curly LAMBEAU (HOF)