
Helmar R319 Hockey

Helmar Brewing Image for Series Helmar R319 Hockey, front of cardHelmar Brewing Image for Series Helmar R319 Hockey, back of card

This series is the hockey compliment to the beloved R319 Helmar baseball series. Watercolors by Natalia Valiukivich.

Card # Player (Click on Name for Player Bio!) Position / Stance Team Thumbnail Picture Active Auction
#   1FOYSTON, FrankWith stick, leaning over stick and puckSeattle Metropolitans Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 1 FOYSTON, Frank With stick, leaning over stick and puck Seattle Metropolitans    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 1 FOYSTON, Frank With stick, leaning over stick and puck Seattle Metropolitans
#   2Barilko, BillSitting. Green, blue and red backgroundToronto Maple Leafs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 2 Barilko, Bill Sitting. Green, blue and red background Toronto Maple Leafs    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 2 Barilko, Bill Sitting. Green, blue and red background Toronto Maple Leafs
#   3COOK, BillStick across knees, leaning overNew York Rangers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 3 COOK, Bill Stick across knees, leaning over New York Rangers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 3 COOK, Bill Stick across knees, leaning over New York Rangers
#   4DUNDERDALE, TommyRight hand behind backVictoria Aristocrats Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 4 DUNDERDALE, Tommy Right hand behind back Victoria Aristocrats    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 4 DUNDERDALE, Tommy Right hand behind back Victoria Aristocrats
#   5KEATS, DukeRed background past boardsChicago Black Hawks Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 5 KEATS, Duke Red background past boards Chicago Black Hawks    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 5 KEATS, Duke Red background past boards Chicago Black Hawks
#   6Loughlin, ClemYellow, blue and red backgroundWinnipeg Monarchs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 6 Loughlin, Clem Yellow, blue and red background Winnipeg Monarchs    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 6 Loughlin, Clem Yellow, blue and red background Winnipeg Monarchs
#   7Mondou, ArmandYellow background past boardsMontreal Canadiens Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 7 Mondou, Armand Yellow background past boards Montreal Canadiens    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 7 Mondou, Armand Yellow background past boards Montreal Canadiens
#   8Rollins, AlSmiling, treesChicago Black Hawks Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 8 Rollins, Al Smiling, trees Chicago Black Hawks    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 8 Rollins, Al Smiling, trees Chicago Black Hawks
#   9SAWCHUCK, TerryPortrait, green backgroundDetroit Red Wings Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 9 SAWCHUCK, Terry Portrait, green background Detroit Red Wings    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 9 SAWCHUCK, Terry Portrait, green background Detroit Red Wings
#  10CONNELL, AlecFull figure, standing in front of clothesDetroit Falcons Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 10 CONNELL, Alec Full figure, standing in front of clothes Detroit Falcons    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 10 CONNELL, Alec Full figure, standing in front of clothes Detroit Falcons
#  11Chabot, LorneTwo hands on top of stickNew York Rangers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 11 Chabot, Lorne Two hands on top of stick New York Rangers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 11 Chabot, Lorne Two hands on top of stick New York Rangers
#  12Gaudreault, LeoFull figure, billowing snow behindProvidence Reds Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 12 Gaudreault, Leo Full figure, billowing snow behind Providence Reds    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 12 Gaudreault, Leo Full figure, billowing snow behind Providence Reds
#  13Himes, NormanWearing hatNew York Americans Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 13 Himes, Norman Wearing hat New York Americans    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 13 Himes, Norman Wearing hat New York Americans
#  14Huffman, BusterFacing viewer, leaning over stickPortland Buckaroos Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 14 Huffman, Buster Facing viewer, leaning over stick Portland Buckaroos    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 14 Huffman, Buster Facing viewer, leaning over stick Portland Buckaroos
#  15HOWE, GORDIEWhite jersey, cutting to his rightDetroit Red Wings Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 15 HOWE, GORDIE White jersey, cutting to his right Detroit Red Wings    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 15 HOWE, GORDIE White jersey, cutting to his right Detroit Red Wings
#  16Olson, GusSide view, leaning over stick. Red stripe sleevesDuluth Hornets Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 16 Olson, Gus Side view, leaning over stick. Red stripe sleeves Duluth Hornets    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 16 Olson, Gus Side view, leaning over stick. Red stripe sleeves Duluth Hornets
#  17ORR, Bobby"Oshawa" on white jerseyOshawa Generals Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 17 ORR, Bobby    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 17 ORR, Bobby
#  18PRIMEAU, JoePurplish background, blue white uniform, leaning over stickToronto Maple Leafs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 18 PRIMEAU, Joe Purplish background, blue white uniform, leaning over stick Toronto Maple Leafs    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 18 PRIMEAU, Joe Purplish background, blue white uniform, leaning over stick Toronto Maple Leafs
#  19Roach, MickeySitting portrait, high foreheadHamilton Tigers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 19 Roach, Mickey Sitting portrait, high forehead Hamilton Tigers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 19 Roach, Mickey Sitting portrait, high forehead Hamilton Tigers
#  20SAWCHUCK, TerryFull goalie gear, leaning forwardDetroit Red Wings Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 20 SAWCHUCK, Terry Full goalie gear, leaning forward Detroit Red Wings    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 20 SAWCHUCK, Terry Full goalie gear, leaning forward Detroit Red Wings
#  21Simpson, Bullet JoeFull figure, Green stripe across chestEskimos Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 21 Simpson, Bullet Joe Full figure, Green stripe across chest Eskimos    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 21 Simpson, Bullet Joe Full figure, Green stripe across chest Eskimos
#  22ROSS, ArtHalf figure, hand on hip, brown and yellow uni topBoston Bruins Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 22 ROSS, Art Half figure, hand on hip, brown and yellow uni top Boston Bruins    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 22 ROSS, Art Half figure, hand on hip, brown and yellow uni top Boston Bruins
#  23Boon, DickieArms crossed. Yellow back, red uniformMontreal HC Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 23 Boon, Dickie Arms crossed. Yellow back, red uniform Montreal HC    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 23 Boon, Dickie Arms crossed. Yellow back, red uniform Montreal HC
#  24CAMERON, HarryBig T on uniform. White cap.Toronto Arenas Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 24 CAMERON, Harry Big T on uniform. White cap. Toronto Arenas    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 24 CAMERON, Harry Big T on uniform. White cap. Toronto Arenas
#  25Chase, JohnUSA emblem on chest; leaning over stickUSA Olympics Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 25 Chase, John USA emblem on chest; leaning over stick USA Olympics    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 25 Chase, John USA emblem on chest; leaning over stick USA Olympics
#  26GARDNER, JimmySitting close portrait. "W" on chestMontreal Wanderers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 26 GARDNER, Jimmy Sitting close portrait.    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 26 GARDNER, Jimmy Sitting close portrait.
#  27CLANCY, KingCrew cut; leaning over stickToronto Maple Leafs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 27 CLANCY, King Crew cut; leaning over stick Toronto Maple Leafs    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 27 CLANCY, King Crew cut; leaning over stick Toronto Maple Leafs
#  28COOK, BunStick at belt, leaning forwardNew York Rangers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 28 COOK, Bun Stick at belt, leaning forward New York Rangers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 28 COOK, Bun Stick at belt, leaning forward New York Rangers
#  29Cosby, GerryIn goalie crouch; USAUSA Olympics Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 29 Cosby, Gerry In goalie crouch; USA USA Olympics    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 29 Cosby, Gerry In goalie crouch; USA USA Olympics
#  30Coutu, BillyFull figure with globe on red uniformMontreal Canadiens Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 30 Coutu, Billy Full figure with globe on red uniform Montreal Canadiens    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 30 Coutu, Billy Full figure with globe on red uniform Montreal Canadiens
#  31Cox, DannyWhite and red uniform, yellow letters outlined redDetroit Falcons Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 31 Cox, Danny White and red uniform, yellow letters outlined red Detroit Falcons    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 31 Cox, Danny White and red uniform, yellow letters outlined red Detroit Falcons
#  32Dolson, DollyRed and green background, half figureDetroit Cougars Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 32 Dolson, Dolly Red and green background, half figure Detroit Cougars    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 32 Dolson, Dolly Red and green background, half figure Detroit Cougars
#  33Filmore, TommyClose portrait, orange backgroundNew York Americans Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 33 Filmore, Tommy Close portrait, orange background New York Americans    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 33 Filmore, Tommy Close portrait, orange background New York Americans
#  34LINDSAY, TED"M" on chest, yellow backgroundSt. Michaels Major, Toronto Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 34 LINDSAY, TED    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 34 LINDSAY, TED
#  35RICHARD, MauriceSpraying ice chips, blue backgroundMontreal Canadiens Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 35 RICHARD, Maurice Spraying ice chips, blue background Montreal Canadiens    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 35 RICHARD, Maurice Spraying ice chips, blue background Montreal Canadiens
#  36DUNCAN, ArtBig "V" on chest, striped sleevesVancouver Millionaires Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 36 DUNCAN, Art Big    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 36 DUNCAN, Art Big
#  37Garrison, JohnUSA on chest, stick levelOlympics USA Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 37 Garrison, John USA on chest, stick level Olympics USA    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 37 Garrison, John USA on chest, stick level Olympics USA
#  38NOBLE, RegFull figure, "D", striped legsDetroit Cougars Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 38 NOBLE, Reg Full figure,    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 38 NOBLE, Reg Full figure,
#  39HALL, Joe"Q" on chest, yellow backgroundQuebec Bulldogs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 39 HALL, Joe    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 39 HALL, Joe
#  40JOLIAT, AureleWearing red capMontreal Canadiens Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 40 JOLIAT, Aurele Wearing red cap Montreal Canadiens    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 40 JOLIAT, Aurele Wearing red cap Montreal Canadiens
#  41MORENZ, HowieHeavy gloves, brown shortsMontreal Canadiens Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 41 MORENZ, Howie Heavy gloves, brown shorts Montreal Canadiens    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 41 MORENZ, Howie Heavy gloves, brown shorts Montreal Canadiens
#  42SEIBERT, EarlHockey puck in front, leaning with stickChicago Black Hawks Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 42 SEIBERT, Earl Hockey puck in front, leaning with stick Chicago Black Hawks    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 42 SEIBERT, Earl Hockey puck in front, leaning with stick Chicago Black Hawks
#  43TAYLOR, CycloneKnees up, stripes, elbow on stick bladeVancouver Millionaires Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 43 TAYLOR, Cyclone Knees up, stripes, elbow on stick blade Vancouver Millionaires    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 43 TAYLOR, Cyclone Knees up, stripes, elbow on stick blade Vancouver Millionaires
#  44Stuart, HerbNavy background, belt up, red capDetroit Olympics Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 44 Stuart, Herb Navy background, belt up, red cap Detroit Olympics    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 44 Stuart, Herb Navy background, belt up, red cap Detroit Olympics
#  45Dukowski, DukeBlue uni, moon on chestMoose Jaw Sheiks Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 45 Dukowski, Duke Blue uni, moon on chest Moose Jaw Sheiks    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 45 Dukowski, Duke Blue uni, moon on chest Moose Jaw Sheiks
#  46HOOPER, TomWhite sweater; thistle, green backgroundRat Portage Thistles Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 46 HOOPER, Tom White sweater; thistle, green background Rat Portage Thistles    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 46 HOOPER, Tom White sweater; thistle, green background Rat Portage Thistles
#  47HYLAND, HarryRed sweater with "W"New Westminster Royals Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 47 HYLAND, Harry Red sweater with    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 47 HYLAND, Harry Red sweater with
#  48LALONDE, NewsyV on chest; yellow backgroundVancouver Millionaires Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 48 LALONDE, Newsy V on chest; yellow background Vancouver Millionaires    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 48 LALONDE, Newsy V on chest; yellow background Vancouver Millionaires 18696
#  49MARSHALL, JackSomber; White sweater with "W"Montreal Wanderers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 49 MARSHALL, Jack Somber; White sweater with    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 49 MARSHALL, Jack Somber; White sweater with
#  50McGuire, Mickeyfull body, Indian on chestCleveland Indians Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 50 McGuire, Mickey full body, Indian on chest Cleveland Indians    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 50 McGuire, Mickey full body, Indian on chest Cleveland Indians
#  51PATRICK, LesterFull body; blue sweater with "Victoria"Victoria Aristocrats Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 51 PATRICK, Lester Full body; blue sweater with    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 51 PATRICK, Lester Full body; blue sweater with
#  52ROBERTS, GordonFull body, White sweater with "W"Montreal Wanderers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 52 ROBERTS, Gordon Full body, White sweater with    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 52 ROBERTS, Gordon Full body, White sweater with
#  53RUSSELL, ErnieHalf portrait, white/red sweater, "W"Montreal Wanderers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 53 RUSSELL, Ernie Half portrait, white/red sweater,    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 53 RUSSELL, Ernie Half portrait, white/red sweater,
#  54STUART, BruceDark green background; 3 color striped sweaterOttawa Senators Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 54 STUART, Bruce Dark green background; 3 color striped sweater Ottawa Senators    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 54 STUART, Bruce Dark green background; 3 color striped sweater Ottawa Senators
#  55STUART, HodGreen background, portrait.Montreal Wanderers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 55 STUART, Hod Green background, portrait. Montreal Wanderers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 55 STUART, Hod Green background, portrait. Montreal Wanderers
#  56BAKER, HobeyBlack sweater, blue backgroundPrinceton Tigers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 56 BAKER, Hobey Black sweater, blue background Princeton Tigers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar R319 Hockey Card # 56 BAKER, Hobey Black sweater, blue background Princeton Tigers