
Helmar Cabinet III

Helmar Brewing Image for Series Helmar Cabinet III, front of cardHelmar Brewing Image for Series Helmar Cabinet III, back of card

Rough and tumble early 20th century players spring to life in our third series of Helmar Cabinets. We’ve selected some of our favorite historic photos and have artfully colorized the player figures and set them against original backgrounds that evoke the magnificent style of the period. True to the period, the player images are separate and have been pasted to a colorful, ripple-edged scene of a ballpark. Collect this series and you’ll understand why Helmar is called “The Flavor of the Game”. Note: #42-53 have a population of up to 25. All others were limited to 20.

Card size: 4” x 6”

Card # Player (Click on Name for Player Bio!) Position / Stance Team Thumbnail Picture Active Auction
#   1Schmidt, Charley "Boss"foot up, throwingDetroit Tigers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 1 Schmidt, Charley    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 1 Schmidt, Charley 17301
#   2BENDER, ChiefFoot on base, throwingPhiladelphia Athletics Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 2 BENDER, Chief Foot on base, throwing Philadelphia Athletics    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 2 BENDER, Chief Foot on base, throwing Philadelphia Athletics
#   3AVERILL, EarlStriped uniformCleveland Indians Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 3 AVERILL, Earl Striped uniform Cleveland Indians    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 3 AVERILL, Earl Striped uniform Cleveland Indians
#   4FLICK, ElmerElbows high batting stanceCleveland Naps Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 4 FLICK, Elmer Elbows high batting stance Cleveland Naps    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 4 FLICK, Elmer Elbows high batting stance Cleveland Naps
#   5CHANCE, FrankSweater, leaning on batChicago Cubs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 5 CHANCE, Frank Sweater, leaning on bat Chicago Cubs    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 5 CHANCE, Frank Sweater, leaning on bat Chicago Cubs
#   6Mullin, GeorgeStanding next to baseDetroit Tigers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 6 Mullin, George Standing next to base Detroit Tigers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 6 Mullin, George Standing next to base Detroit Tigers
#   7GREENBERG, HankEnd of Swing; fence, stripesDetroit Tigers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 7 GREENBERG, Hank End of Swing; fence, stripes Detroit Tigers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 7 GREENBERG, Hank End of Swing; fence, stripes Detroit Tigers
#   8Schmidt, Charley "Boss"About to place tagDetroit Tigers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 8 Schmidt, Charley    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 8 Schmidt, Charley
#   9Barry, JackEnd of Swing, leg forwardPhiladelphia Athletics Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 9 Barry, Jack End of Swing, leg forward Philadelphia Athletics    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 9 Barry, Jack End of Swing, leg forward Philadelphia Athletics
#  10CHESBRO, JackFoot on base, follow throughNew York Highlanders Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 10 CHESBRO, Jack Foot on base, follow through New York Highlanders    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 10 CHESBRO, Jack Foot on base, follow through New York Highlanders
#  11EVERS, JohnnyBarrels, erect, bat on shoulderChicago Cubs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 11 EVERS, Johnny Barrels, erect, bat on shoulder Chicago Cubs    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 11 EVERS, Johnny Barrels, erect, bat on shoulder Chicago Cubs
#  12BOUDREAU, Loubatting follow throughCleveland Indians Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 12 BOUDREAU, Lou batting follow through Cleveland Indians    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 12 BOUDREAU, Lou batting follow through Cleveland Indians
#  13COCHRANE, Mickeybatting on wood floorDetroit Tigers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 13 COCHRANE, Mickey batting on wood floor Detroit Tigers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 13 COCHRANE, Mickey batting on wood floor Detroit Tigers
#  14BROWN, MordecaiBlue uniform; follow throughCincinnati Reds Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 14 BROWN, Mordecai Blue uniform; follow through Cincinnati Reds    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 14 BROWN, Mordecai Blue uniform; follow through Cincinnati Reds
#  15Caldwell, Ray "Slim"Flag in backgroundNew York Yankees Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 15 Caldwell, Ray    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 15 Caldwell, Ray
#  16Falkenberg, CyHolding bat at shoulderCleveland Indians Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 16 Falkenberg, Cy Holding bat at shoulder Cleveland Indians    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 16 Falkenberg, Cy Holding bat at shoulder Cleveland Indians
#  17DEAN, DizzyFoot on stepSt. Louis Cardinals Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 17 DEAN, Dizzy Foot on step St. Louis Cardinals    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 17 DEAN, Dizzy Foot on step St. Louis Cardinals
#  18LINDSTROM, FredFoot on bag, throwingNew York Giants Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 18 LINDSTROM, Fred Foot on bag, throwing New York Giants    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 18 LINDSTROM, Fred Foot on bag, throwing New York Giants
#  19Beaumont, GingerPosed to batPittsburgh Pirates Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 19 Beaumont, Ginger Posed to bat Pittsburgh Pirates    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 19 Beaumont, Ginger Posed to bat Pittsburgh Pirates 17302
#  20GREENBERG, HankEnd of swing; no fence, no stripesDetroit Tigers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 20 GREENBERG, Hank End of swing; no fence, no stripes Detroit Tigers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 20 GREENBERG, Hank End of swing; no fence, no stripes Detroit Tigers
#  21HEILMANN, HarryAt plate; stadium backdropDetroit Tigers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 21 HEILMANN, Harry At plate; stadium backdrop Detroit Tigers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 21 HEILMANN, Harry At plate; stadium backdrop Detroit Tigers
#  22Camnitz, HowieArm forwardPittsburgh Pirates Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 22 Camnitz, Howie Arm forward Pittsburgh Pirates    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 22 Camnitz, Howie Arm forward Pittsburgh Pirates
#  23Daubert, JakeOn wood; throwingBrooklyn Robins Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 23 Daubert, Jake On wood; throwing Brooklyn Robins    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 23 Daubert, Jake On wood; throwing Brooklyn Robins
#  24Archer, JimmyOn wood; throwingChicago Cubs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 24 Archer, Jimmy On wood; throwing Chicago Cubs    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 24 Archer, Jimmy On wood; throwing Chicago Cubs
#  25SEWELL, JoeOn wood, end of swingCleveland Indians Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 25 SEWELL, Joe On wood, end of swing Cleveland Indians    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 25 SEWELL, Joe On wood, end of swing Cleveland Indians 17303
#  26Elberfeld, KidBat forwardBrooklyn Superbas Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 26 Elberfeld, Kid Bat forward Brooklyn Superbas    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 26 Elberfeld, Kid Bat forward Brooklyn Superbas
#  27Doyle, LarryThrowing, one leg upNew York Giants Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 27 Doyle, Larry Throwing, one leg up New York Giants    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 27 Doyle, Larry Throwing, one leg up New York Giants
#  28DIHIGO, MartinStanding near barrelsXalapa Chileros Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 28 DIHIGO, Martin Standing near barrels Xalapa Chileros    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 28 DIHIGO, Martin Standing near barrels Xalapa Chileros
#  29COCHRANE, MickeyBatting with forest behindDetroit Tigers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 29 COCHRANE, Mickey Batting with forest behind Detroit Tigers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 29 COCHRANE, Mickey Batting with forest behind Detroit Tigers
#  30Donovan, BillPointing upNew York Yankees Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 30 Donovan, Bill Pointing up New York Yankees    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 30 Donovan, Bill Pointing up New York Yankees 17304
#  31COCHRANE, MickeyStanding on dirtPhiladelphia Athletics Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 31 COCHRANE, Mickey Standing on dirt Philadelphia Athletics    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 31 COCHRANE, Mickey Standing on dirt Philadelphia Athletics
#  32BROWN, MordecaiArm far forward, on woodChicago Cubs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 32 BROWN, Mordecai Arm far forward, on wood Chicago Cubs    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 32 BROWN, Mordecai Arm far forward, on wood Chicago Cubs
#  33LAJOIE, Larry "Nap"Blue uniform; bat on shoulderCleveland Naps Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 33 LAJOIE, Larry    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 33 LAJOIE, Larry
#  34Ball, NealSmall table; mitt at shoulderBoston Red Sox Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 34 Ball, Neal Small table; mitt at shoulder Boston Red Sox    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 34 Ball, Neal Small table; mitt at shoulder Boston Red Sox 17200
#  35Dean, Daffymitt on kneeSt. Louis Cardinals Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 35 Dean, Daffy mitt on knee St. Louis Cardinals    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 35 Dean, Daffy mitt on knee St. Louis Cardinals
#  36Dahlen, BillStepping from dugoutBrooklyn Superbas Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 36 Dahlen, Bill Stepping from dugout Brooklyn Superbas    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 36 Dahlen, Bill Stepping from dugout Brooklyn Superbas
#  37BRESNAHAN, Rogersmall table; bat at shoulderSt. Louis Cardinals Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 37 BRESNAHAN, Roger small table; bat at shoulder St. Louis Cardinals    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 37 BRESNAHAN, Roger small table; bat at shoulder St. Louis Cardinals
#  38YOUNGS, Ross "Pep"Arms out to catch fly ballNew York Giants Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 38 YOUNGS, Ross    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 38 YOUNGS, Ross
#  39CAMPANELLA, RoyBatting follow through; flagBrooklyn Dodgers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 39 CAMPANELLA, Roy Batting follow through; flag Brooklyn Dodgers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 39 CAMPANELLA, Roy Batting follow through; flag Brooklyn Dodgers
#  40COBB, TyBat far forwardDetroit Tigers Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 40 COBB, Ty Bat far forward Detroit Tigers    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 40 COBB, Ty Bat far forward Detroit Tigers
#  41WAGNER, HonusStanding, arm on signPittsburgh Pirates Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 41 WAGNER, Honus Standing, arm on sign Pittsburgh Pirates    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 41 WAGNER, Honus Standing, arm on sign Pittsburgh Pirates
#  42COMBS, EarleLeaping, arm outstretchedNew York Yankees Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 42 COMBS, Earle Leaping, arm outstretched New York Yankees    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 42 COMBS, Earle Leaping, arm outstretched New York Yankees
#  43O'Neil, BuckHorizontal, reachingKansas City Monarchs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 43 O'Neil, Buck Horizontal, reaching Kansas City Monarchs    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 43 O'Neil, Buck Horizontal, reaching Kansas City Monarchs
#  44DAVIS, GeorgeFoot forward, throwingChicago White Sox Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 44 DAVIS, George Foot forward, throwing Chicago White Sox    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 44 DAVIS, George Foot forward, throwing Chicago White Sox
#  45MACKEY, Bizleaning on batHilldale Giants Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 45 MACKEY, Biz leaning on bat Hilldale Giants    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 45 MACKEY, Biz leaning on bat Hilldale Giants
#  46DELAHANTY, EdOpen grip, bat from waistPhiladelphia Phillies Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 46 DELAHANTY, Ed Open grip, bat from waist Philadelphia Phillies    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 46 DELAHANTY, Ed Open grip, bat from waist Philadelphia Phillies
#  47GIBSON, JoshStanding with gearHomestead Grays Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 47 GIBSON, Josh Standing with gear Homestead Grays    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 47 GIBSON, Josh Standing with gear Homestead Grays
#  48DICKEY, BillPop up, throwing off maskNew York Yankees Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 48 DICKEY, Bill Pop up, throwing off mask New York Yankees    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 48 DICKEY, Bill Pop up, throwing off mask New York Yankees
#  49TORRIENTE, CristobalTwo batsHabana Leones Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 49 TORRIENTE, Cristobal Two bats Habana Leones    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 49 TORRIENTE, Cristobal Two bats Habana Leones
#  50ROGAN, Joe "Bullet"Hands on hipsKansas City Monarchs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 50 ROGAN, Joe    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 50 ROGAN, Joe
#  51COOPER, AndyHands behindKansas City Monarchs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 51 COOPER, Andy Hands behind Kansas City Monarchs    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 51 COOPER, Andy Hands behind Kansas City Monarchs
#  52DOERR, Bobbyfoot forward, reachingBoston Red Sox Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 52 DOERR, Bobby foot forward, reaching Boston Red Sox    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 52 DOERR, Bobby foot forward, reaching Boston Red Sox
#  53JOSS, AddieHiding ball on wind-upCleveland Indians Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 53 JOSS, Addie Hiding ball on wind-up Cleveland Indians    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 53 JOSS, Addie Hiding ball on wind-up Cleveland Indians 17201
#  54LEONARD, Buckside view; end of swingHomestead Grays Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 54 LEONARD, Buck side view; end of swing Homestead Grays    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 54 LEONARD, Buck side view; end of swing Homestead Grays 17202
#  55HARRIS, BuckyEnd of throwWashington Senators Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 55 HARRIS, Bucky End of throw Washington Senators    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 55 HARRIS, Bucky End of throw Washington Senators 17261
#  56HAFEY, ChickSmiling, end of swingCincinnati Reds Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 56 HAFEY, Chick Smiling, end of swing Cincinnati Reds    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 56 HAFEY, Chick Smiling, end of swing Cincinnati Reds 17262
#  57BELL, James "Cool Papa"stance; bat on shoulderHomestead Grays Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 57 BELL, James    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 57 BELL, James 17263
#  58HOOPER, HarryBat in one hand swingBoston Red Sox no picture
#  59SMITH, HiltonBig stretch at end of throwKansas City Monarchs no picture
#  60COLLINS, JimmyBig reachBoston Americans no picture
#  61HAINES, JesseThrowing hardSt. Louis Cardinals no picture
#  62CRONIN, JoeOn one kneeWashington Senators no picture
#  63WILLIAMS, "Smokey" JoeEnd of throwHomestead Grays no picture
#  64DUROCHER, LeoEnd of swingNew York Yankees no picture
#  65TAYLOR, BenArms at sidesIndianapolis ABC's Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 65 TAYLOR, Ben Arms at sides Indianapolis ABC's    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 65 TAYLOR, Ben Arms at sides Indianapolis ABC's
#  66DANDRIDGE, RayMitt wide openMarianao Tigers no picture 17348
#  67FABER, RedErect, arm outChicago White Sox no picture 17349
#  68HORNSBY, RogershorizontalNew York Giants no picture 17350
#  69WELLS, WillieLeaning on batNewark Eagles no picture 17351
#  70JACKSON, TravisHorizontal long swingNew York Giants Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 70 JACKSON, Travis Horizontal long swing New York Giants    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 70 JACKSON, Travis Horizontal long swing New York Giants
#  71DAY, LeonEnd of soft tossNewark Eagles no picture 17352
#  72IRVIN, MonteCorkscrew swingNew York Giants Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 72 IRVIN, Monte Corkscrew swing New York Giants    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 72 IRVIN, Monte Corkscrew swing New York Giants
#  73CHARLESTON, Oscartwo bats on shoulderIndianapolis ABC's no picture
#  74BROWN, RayEnd of throwHomestead Grays Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 74 BROWN, Ray End of throw Homestead Grays    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 74 BROWN, Ray End of throw Homestead Grays
#  75LLOYD, John "Pop"End of swing, bat upNew York Lincoln Giants no picture
#  76HILL, PeteLeaning into pitchDetroit Stars Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 76 HILL, Pete Leaning into pitch Detroit Stars    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 76 HILL, Pete Leaning into pitch Detroit Stars
#  77GRIMES, BurleighSmiling, pitching arm forwardChicago Cubs Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 77 GRIMES, Burleigh Smiling, pitching arm forward Chicago Cubs    Picture Helmar Brewing Helmar Cabinet III Card # 77 GRIMES, Burleigh Smiling, pitching arm forward Chicago Cubs
#  78WILSON, Jud "Boojum"feet together; bat backBaltimore Black Sox no picture
#  79JOHNSON, JudySimply standing, hands behindHilldale Giants no picture
#  80HUGGINS, MillerCoaching; foot up, arms outNew York Yankees no picture
#  81SUTTLES, George "Mule"Batting finish; brown-yellow socks, stadium Newark Eagles no picture
#  82MANUSH, HeinieAwkward batting follow through; blue capDetroit Tigers no picture
#  83LYONS, TedPitching finish; blue stripes, capChicago White Sox no picture
#  84LOMBARDI, ErnieBig hips, batting end, blue capBrooklyn Dodgers no picture
#  85LAZZERI, TonyTwisted foot, side view batting, stripesNew York Yankees no picture
#  86KLEIN, ChuckBat at shoulder, red hose, looking to his rightPhiladelphia Phillies no picture
#  87HUBBELL, CarlBrown windbreaker sleeve, pitching follow throughNew York Giants no picture
#  88KEELER, WillieAll blue uniform, bat outNew York Highlanders no picture
#  89KELLY, GeorgeCoaching, leg very high, arm out, yellingCincinnati Reds no picture